
Korean Currency (Won)

All countries have their own currency.
 For example, Americans Dollar and Japanese Yen. Specially, Europeans that live in Europe continent (except some countries) using "Euro".
 Korea has its own currency too.

Today I’ll introduce
"Korean money" to you!!

Korean currency can be divided into paper money and coin.
 At first, I’ll introduce paper money. At present,
there are 4 kinds of paper money in Korea.
 That are 50.000won,10,000 won, 5,000 won, 1,000 won.

Won is Korean monetary unit.


Five thousand-won note's color is yellow color.
You can see korean artist,calligraphy,noted poet,
and the mother of the korean confucain scholar Yulgok.
often held up as a model of confucian ideals,her respectful
nick name was Eojin Eomeoni(wise mother)

Ten thousand-won note's color is green color.
You can see Korean King "Sejong the Great" at front,
" Gyeonghoeru" pavilion at the back.

Five thousand-won note's color is red-brown color.
 You can see Lee lee, a famous scholar, and his hometown, Ojukheon.

A thousand-won note's color is bright-pink color.
 On this note, you can see another famous scholar.
His name is Lee Hwang.
Back of a thousand-won, you can see the lecture hall, Dosan lecture hall.
 It was established by Lee Hwang.


1 USD= 1,080 (WON)
1 RM= 370 (WON)

(It's easier if you just look at the won and take
 off 3 zeros to convert it to dollars)

 Coins are 500 won, 100 won, 50 won, 10 won.
Now, Koreans are passing four kinds of coins.
500 won has biggest size among them. And 10 won is the smallest of them.
Only 10 won's color is gold. Other color is silver.

Those are Korean money. Koreans always carry them.
 If you have much money, 
you can buy products anywhere in Korea.