
Shopping in Seoul, Part-3 (Streets of Hong Dae)

Shopping in Seoul, Part-3

Streets of Hong Dae

The streets of Hong Dae, the mecca of Seoul Fashion,
 is the place to shop along with the streets of Myung Dong in Seoul.
  Different from the Myung Dong and Lee Dae, the people dressed in Hong Dae tends toportray their own unique sense of style and fashion.

Although, both streets of Hong Dae
and Myung Dong are very busy, Hong Dae with its gallery of artistic
wall paintings and live concerts/performances from local artists bring
 Hong Dae to life, especially on the weekends.

Hong Dae, famous for its streets of cafes and clubs,
has played a big role in influencing the fashion trends in and around Hong Dae.
With the introduction of newly opened free markets in Hong Dae,
 it has generated more foreigners to come
and experience the fashion and life of Hong Dae.
As I have explained before, Myung Dong is usually filled with
 foreign travellers that have come out on group sight seeing trips. 
On the other hand, Hong Dae is usually filled with foreigners
that come out to shop on their own or foreigners that live in Korea.

Different from other shops in Seoul, Hong Dae shops are more diverse.
Hong Dae's popularity with the younger generation
has carried a big influence on the street fashion culture.

Although, you can always see the people dressed in the latest fashion trends,
 in Hong Dae you can see morepeople dressed in their fashionable tastes.
  For instance, some may prefer to dress in vintage or throwback outfits.
Hong Dae's fashion culture with its unique character or trends has
made Hong Dae a place of its own.
There are many general shops, where you can buy clothing
 and accessories of the latest or new trends,
but what really makes Hong Dae special is that there are
 many shops that server towards mania's of different fashion trends.
For instance, items that you cant find in Myung Dong can always be found at one of the many diverse shops in Hong Dae.

Not only, is Hong Dae a mecca of Korean shopping along
with the streets of Myung Dong and Lee Dae,
 it is becoming one of the fashion streets of the world.
I highly recommend all of you to visit Hong Dae!! 
하하하하하하하하 !!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA~!!