
"Makjulrae Guksi"

I am going to introduce famous noodle restaurant
 in Yangju,Guunggi Province.
When I first heard the store "Makjulrae Guksi"
 I thoughe that this name is cute and has a ring to it.
The name Makjulrae is two different words composed of Mak and Julrae
and Guksi is the old word for guksu which is noodle in korean.
This word as a whole has a meaning as serving people
with a large amount of noodle.Hahaha!!
I can sense the noodle shop owner's warm hearted intention of
serving a large amount of noodle to every customer with his fantastic noodle.
To serve noodles to many customer, the noodle shop owner
expanded his store by expanding left and right area of the main store.
At first, the noodle shop owner started his shop with a small store.
 However, due to his expanding customer, he enlarged his store gradually.

I saw many signatures from well-known figures on the wall
 and the all the signatures are filling the wall.

I ordered the famous Kalguksu,Kimchi dumplings and meat dumplings.
 I get three side dishes along with water.
Baechu kimchi,sliced radish kimchi and Pickled Pepper.
Kkalguksu I ordered just came.
 on the top of this,I had mussel and Manila clam as
 if is mounted as some kind of mountain.
I couldn't see what is inside of Kkalguksu because of this.

I am starting to consume enormous amount of clams.
I can have clams without making mess
because the dish comes along with shell disposal bin
What you see is the one that has many clam shells.

after you eat all of the clams, then you will see kkalguksu with shrimps
and crabs. The noodle inside the dish is made of acorn.
 This is why the color of the noodle is a bit grey color.
 The noodle is not made out of flour but acorn.
the is the reason that the noodle taste somewhat chewy and has mild flavor. The soup in the noodle is from heated seafood broth.
The soup is very plain and simple.

This is the Kimchi and meat dumplings.
The dumplings were not very hot nor cold.
The temperature was just about right to eat.

meat dumplings
Because the restaurant was known for acorn noodle,
its dumpling skin is also made out of acorn.
This is why the texture of the dumpling is
very chewy and also has a distinctive grey color as well.

Kimchi dumplings have somewhat spicy flavor.
My suggestion is that for kids and adults who doesn't care for hot flavor
 should not order kimchi dumplings and have meat dumplings instead.

this area is the hallway to the main entrance of the restaurant.
 In the hallway, there are many pictures and also the pictures that
shows this restaurant was on television shows.

I could instantly see that this restaurant is the famous
one that had been introduced to many television shows.
there is a front signs that can be seen even
from the faraway at Makjulrae Guksijip entrance.
This place is also a bus station.
It is very convenient to visit the restaurant for the ones who take buses.