
Q Thai Steamboat @ Ampang Taman Dagang

This posting today seems to be the last one this year since
 I visit Korea to share my new year holidays
with my family and friends.

Today I'll  introduce you Thailand steamboat restaurant
located in Ampang where Koreans live a lot

The exterior of the restaurant does not look fancy,
but it is a sort of a place where you can enjoy buffet at a reasonable price.

Let's take a look which ingredients (dishes)
served in this restaurant that famous for a  steamboat

It has a wide selection from raw meat to marinated one. 
(It does not serve pork since it is a halal.)

The seafood also has many varieties including those that are seasoned and not,
so you can choose based on your preference.

There are so many varieties of fish cake...
the fish cakes look delicious and cute so the kids will love it.

There are wide variety of healthy vegetables.

Ah... what was the name of this...
 I suddenly can't remember the name of it..T.T

it tastes like the chopped roast chicken stew of korea...
it was so delicious while eating with fried rice.

likewise, i have had enough today,
by the way, it makes me concenred that i have gain weight a lot in
recent days owing to the frequent dinner meeting of year end and new years.
But still, I was happy that I could have a wonderful time
 sharing food with great people

Q Thai Village Restaurant,

G13A & G15, Dagang Avenue,
Jalan Dagang B/3A, Taman Dagang,
68000 Ampang Selangor.
Tel: 03-4270 3562