
Korean Red Beans Tea

Red bean

 reffer to Azuki bean and Kidney bean.
 it has protein, iron,fiber , vit,B , copper, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium vit.K.

The benefit of red beans is good for digest,cholesterol -lowering,
 prevents blood sugar levels, antioxidants,
 lower heart attack risk,
maintain memory with vit.B, diet
 (help feel higher satiety prevents overeat, absorptivity higher), diuretic action .

Ingredient & Recipe

red beans (60g), water (900ml)

  1. After,wash red beans(60g),
preserve red beans in the water (900ml) over night

2. Move to the pot water and red beans , boil on higher heat .
Beginning the boiling , turn down the medium heat 30 mins more until to be soft and mild.  When the boiling, skim off  floating red beans for taste smooth

3.Let hot tea cool, put the tea into a bottle and then
 store the tea in the refrigerator.
 Best before date is 2 days because easily to go bad, so try to drink quickly

4. drinking 1 cup(150~200ml) before each meal,
 it is more effective drink the tea with two small spoon red beans
.because the skin has many nutrients, so it is good for health.
 It has nothing to drink a tea hot or cool. (Written by doctor YSY^^)