
Jap Chae

Jap chae

Jap chae is a stir-fried noodle dish mixed with slightly cooked vegetables.
The noodle is made with yam starch and it looks similar to vermicelli.
It is one of most served party foods.

you can serve it as a side dish or a main dish.
Also you can make Japchae rice
by simply putting Japchae on the top of rice.


(Serves 5~6 as part of multicourse meal)

1/2 pound dried Korean sweet potato noodles.
Bulkogi marinated beef 200g~400g
2 thinly sliced onions
1~2 carrots, julienned
2 Red/Yellow paprika(bell pepper/piment), julienned
2 cloves garlic, finely minced
 2/3 cup mushrooms and black fungus, thinly sliced
1/2 lb spinach, washed well and drained
Sesame oil 1TS,Olive oil 1TS

Beef Bulkogi Seasoning Sauce

Beef 500~600g 
4 grove garlic,4TS green onion,
2 teaspoons sesame oil, 2 teaspoons Fried sesame
soy sauce 4TS (preferable Korean brand)
Sugar 1TS,1/2ea blended korean pear (to replace sugar - healthier choice)


Jullienne all the Vegetable
Scald the spinach in hot water and rinse it with cool water.
squeeze out the water from the spinach
Sprinkle some black pepper and salt on the meat.
mix the meat and the salt well.

Put the julienned vegetable in the pan and stir-fry well.
Put the meat in the heated pan and stir it evenly.

Boil 3 bunches of noodles in
boiling water in a big pot for about 5 minute.
when the noodles are soft,drain them and put in a large bowl.

Cut the noodles several times by using scissors and
add 3 tbs of soy sauce and 2 tbs of  sesame oil.
Mix it up and set aside.

Put the boiled glass noodles in a big bowl.
Add the rosted meat and vegetables.
Add some sauce and mix well.

then sprinkle 2 tbs of toasted sesame seeds on the top.