
Korean style curry

The curry originated with india and Asian countries around
It takes around 40 minutes in cooking time.
Although curry takes a long time,
It is not difficult to cook.
Before start cook, we just know three ways.
cut, fry, boil


1.One large size onion  2.One large size potato
3.One small size carrot
 4.4~5samll size mushroom   5.1/4 cabbage
6.One small size pimiento&broccoli 7.Some butter
8.curry powder 9.One table spoon Garlic paste 10.A cut of meat


First of all,dice the onion,potato,carrot and meat&chop up the
 mushroom,pimiento, cabbage and broccoli

Second,take a pot,pour two table
 spoon of oil or butter into it and
after 30s add the one table spoon garlic paste to flavor.

Third,after frying potato and carrot into
 the pan with oil for 3 minute fry the other vegetables whit meat

Fourth,Add the  water and boil them if it is boiling you remove the heat.

Fifth,after pouring a curry mixture into it,
turn on heat and stir it again.
(if you want add apple like dice)

Finally,serve with rice.