

(Photo by Chung Sung-Jun/Getty Images)
Park Geun-hye ( born 2 February 1952)
is the eleventh and current President of South Korea.
She is the first woman to be elected as President in South Korea,
 and is serving the 18th presidential term.
She also is the first woman head of state in modern history of Northeast Asia

(The source of wikipedia)

 Prior to her presidency, she was the chairwoman of the conservative Grand
 National Party (GNP) between 2004 and 2006 and between 2011 and 2012
 (the GNP changed its name to "Saenuri Party" in February 2012).
Park was also a member of the Korean National Assembly, and had served
 four consecutive parliamentary terms as a constituency
 representativebetween 1998 and 2012; starting
her fifth term as a proportional representative from June 2012.
 Her father was Park Chung-hee, President of South Korea from 1963 to 1979.
She is generally considered to be one of the most influential politicians in Korea since the presidencies of the two Kims: Kim Young-sam and Kim Dae-jung

Her Story

As a politician, President Park Geun-hye has
always cherished trus and keeping her promises.
These values have been most important to her in her life and in her career.

She was born during the Korean War in 1952.
Her father was Park Chung-hee, who in 1963 became
President of the countryand led the Miracle on the Han River.
Her mother, Yuk Young-soo, was beloved and respected when she became First Lady. From the example of her father, President Park Geun-hye learned love of countryand mental fortitude.From her mother, she learned warm regard for others
 and a lifestyle of diligence and frugality.

(The source of wikipedia & president.go.kr)

In 1974, she graduated at the top of her class with a major in
electronic engineering from Sogang University, Seoul.
Then in August, she left Korea to study at the University of Grenoble,
 France, in preparation for her dream job: teaching.
A month had not even passed when she received an urgent message to return to Korea
 at once. When she arrived at the airport, the headline of one of the papers caught her eye. She froze on the spot. Above the photo of her mother, it read, “Assassinated.
” This was how she first learned of her mother’s tragic death.
Only a week later, she took up the role of acting First Lady; she was only 22 years old.
 As the First Lady for five years, she accompanied her father on
his visits to numerous sites in the countryside, as well as on his frequent
 official tours overseas. She also received foreign envoys.

After President Park Chung-hee was assassinated,
she spent the next 18 years in quiet contemplation and in serving the disadvantaged.
What triggered her entry into politics was a feeling of desperation over the
 foreign currency crisis that engulfed the country in 1997.
She thought, “Korea was built with so many sacrifices by everyone
 and cannot go under like this.” In April 1998, she ran on the Grand National Party ticket in a by-election in Daegu and became a member of the National Assembly.
From then on, she won a total of five consecutive general elections in the district.
In 2002 and again in 2011, she took over the helm of the Grand National Party at times when it was in crisis and in danger of being sidelined and made it the majority party.
In 2011, the party name was changed to Saenuri (New Frontier).
These efforts based on her determination to win the trust of the public by making
 her actions match her words, keeping her promises and focusing the
 party's efforts on policies were considered political miracles.
 They also made her a strong candidate for president.
On December 19, 2012,
she was elected President of the country—the first female President in Northeast Asia.
 She was inaugurated on February 25, 2013.